The Best Office Productivity Tools Kutools for Excel Solves Most of Your Problems, and Increases Your Productivity by 80% Click to know more about this Insert Sequence Number feature of Kutools for Excel No matter in which workbook you apply this Insert Sequence Number feature, it will generate an invoice number that is 1 bigger than the last time you apply this feature. Keep the new created Sequence selected, and click the Fill Range button, and then click the Close button. of digits box, specify the digits, such as 6 ģ. (4) In the Start Number box enter the beginning number of your invoice number, such as 10000 or 1 (3) In the Prefix (optional) box, enter you company name or other text you will show at the begging of invoice number (1) In the Sequence name box enter a name for the new sequence name, such as Invoice Number. In the Insert Sequence Number dialog box, click the New button, and then in the expanding Sequence number editing area please do as follows (see above screenshot): Select the cell you will get invoice number, and then click the Kutools > Insert > Insert Sequence Number.Ģ. Full feature free trial 30-day, no credit card required! Get It Nowġ. Kutools for Excel- Includes more than 300 handy tools for Excel. ="CompanyName"&TEXT(NOW(),"MMDDHHMMSS")& D2

In addition to make whole numbers as invoice number, we can verify our invoice numbers with following formulas: No. Note: Change the D2 to the specified cell in which you entered the beginning number of invoice number in Step 2.ĥ. VBA: Voice Number Generator Private Sub Workbook_Open() Paste the following code into the opening window. Note: In our case, we double click the ThisWorkbook under the VBAProject (Book1).Ĥ. Open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications dialog box with pressing the Alt + F11 keys simultaneously, then expand the VBAProject (current workbook), and double click the ThisWorkbook.